March Recap! #2014BloggerChallenge

April 01, 2014

In my Survey of the Fashion Industry class waiting for the lecture to start.

Oh meh goodness.....that Korean Noodle Bowl was the sh*t!!!! Glad my roommate convinced me to go to Panera Bread after class. 

I was hired at Forever21! I really love my job. It's so fun talking to customers and playing the "Stylist" role!

My classmate and friend Brandon! Look at his Illustrations!!!!! Amaze-balls! The next Karl Lagerfeld for sure.

Shoe shoppin' and Carmel Flan Frappe Sippin' on a Wednesday. 

Yay for shoes!!!

I'm still working on this makeup haul. Finding time after class and before work is pretty difficult. Don't get my started on lighting. (-_- )

My outfit! 

My Native American Astrology Sign is an Otter! 

*diva snap*

(^_^) when you're just driving home and the car in front of you has this license plate....

I found out that I'm NearSided (I'm blind!) finally got my prescription put in my Hipster Frames. 

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