How to prevent hair loss

July 06, 2013

 There are numerous ways to prevent hair loss. For starters, drink plenty of water. You could reduce the amount of heat you put in your hair, take Biotin or any B vitamin, you could massage your scalp with coconut oil or milk, sweet almond oil, advocado oil, olive oil, aloe vera gel, etc.

 Hot oil treatments have been proven to not only cure dandruff, but promote hair growth as well!
 You could even make homemade hair masks and rinses!

 Well, the trick that I'm about to teach you will help you in reducing the amount of hair loss.

I don't use exact measurements every time so just use as much as you want with the amounts.

Blend 2 bananas with a few tablespoons of honey, 3 huge scoops of plain yogurt, and half a cup of low fat milk. Drink this for a few weeks, and you should notice a difference! Let me know if you try this drink out! I'm freaking addicted to it.

If you are like me, trying to grow your short hair down to your waist, join me on my hair journey!

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