
December 16, 2013

Hey guys! How is your Monday going so far?

  I am VERY late with this post, and I would like to apologize for posting this so late....but I am part of the #2014BloggerChallenge started by Another Girl Blog! Me and 400 other bloggers joined the challenege, and twice a month, she sends us different topics to discuss on our blogs whether it has to do with food, beauty, fashion, lifestyle, etc. I've already talked to a few girls who have joined the challenge, and checked out their blogs, so this is a great way to meet new bloggy buddies, discover different blogs from all over the world, and posting topics you wouldn't normally discuss! That will not only liven your blog up, but it's fun trying something new!! I can't wait for the first topic!!!!!!!!!


Alrighty guys, have a great Monday!

What are you going for New Year's???

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