2014: My own little resolutions
January 02, 20141. To stop letting everything upset me. I have a tendency to get upset over something small. For example: I was highly upset today because at my job, it was 50% day and I wanted to purchase my mom a Michael Kors bag for her birthday that NO ONE else has. Guess what? Somebody stole it today. Was I pissed??? Oh, absolutely!!! I wanted to flip a table and break something. It took everything in me not to take my anger out on any customer that came up to me today. See? I need to work on my anger.
2. Try to blog more often. I do have a job and go to school so bare with me. Sorry guys! Loooooove you!
3. To start owning up to my wrong doing. It actually feels better when you admit when you are wrong and just apologize. It's difficult at first, but you feel soooooooo much better afterwards.
4. To bring my confidence level up. Since I have been so busy with work lately, I haven't had time to put makeup on and pick out a cute outfit like I used to. If you saw me at work, you would see me with jeans and a graphic tee with my hair tied up. Yeah......trendy right?
5. To go out more and enjoy myself for once.
6. To stay healthy and fit. So far, I've been doing a crappy job. The Arby's bag in my car is good enough proof.
7. To make more friends. I am embarrassed to say that.......I don't have any friends. Yeah. That explains why I haven't been out much.
These are my 2014 Resolutions! We shall see what this lovely year holds for us. I have a great feeling that this is my year. Happy New Year everyone.