Au Natural: Why Grapeseed Oil Should Be Part of Your Beauty Regimen

February 15, 2016

I am excited to announce that A Fabulous Hippie is starting a new beauty series: Au Natural! After having an allergic reaction to some of my lipsticks and Chapstick, I realized that it would be in my best interest to start using natural products. Oddly enough, this reaction inspired me to start a new beauty segment on the blog. 

 In this series, I will go over all the wonderful beauty secrets that Mother Nature herself has blessed us with that you tend to over look. Not to mention that some of the products we see on the shelves contains harmful ingredients, like Parabens, Mineral Oil, and Alcohol. 
I purchased this bottle at my local grocery store for $7 after tax. And yes, you can find it on Amazon.

Here are the reasons why Grapeseed Oil should be sitting on your bathroom counter...
  1. It cures ACNE. I can definitely agree with this one. I've been using it as a moisturizer after I wash my face, and it's the BOMB.
  2. Studies have shown that it reduces the risk of developing Cancer 
  3. It can strengthen the immune system.
  4. It's an Anti-inflammatory. 
  5. It's full of Anti-oxidants. 
  6. It's an Anti-Histamine.
  7. It's has Anti-Aging properties!
  8. It softens your hair
  9. Did I mention it treats dandruff and hairloss?! 
  10. It's a wonderful all purpose moisturizer.
  11. It's not greasy. And a little goes a long way!
  12. Since it contains a butt load of Vitamin E, it treats bruises, acne spots and stretch marks!
  13. It's the sh*t when it comes to removing eye makeup. Grapeseed oil doesn't burn your eyes at all. I've been using it as a make remover for almost 6 months now. I swear by this stuff!  
  14. With consistent use, it'll grow your sparse lashes!
And there you have it! Please be sure to do a skin test with it before you start using it.. Just to be sure that you're not allergic. :) Ok?! Ok. Give it a go and tell me about your results!

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