Fresh Cut
February 25, 2016
There's nothing like a fresh blow out and a much needed hair cut. Not to brag, but I adore the versatility of my hair. If I want to wear it in a fro, all I have to do is wet my hair and boom. If I want to wear it straight, then I reach for the hot tools.
Confession: I can't make up my mind on whether I should grow my hair out or keep it short. My hair is so super thick, that even at this length, it takes me 2 almost 3 hours to straighten it.....SO. MUCH. HAIR!
I'm not sure. Any suggestions? I'm even contemplating on cutting my bangs again. The con to that is that the growth rate of my hair is on the speedy side, so I'd have to keep cutting them literally every week. :/
Did I mention that I was planning on dying my hair either Indigo (like a very dark blue toned purple) or a cool toned brown? Yeah, I can't make up my mind....
Can you say 'First World Hair Probz'?!