A Fabulous Hippie on Bloglovin'

March 16, 2016

Hey good lookin'! Love reading blogs during your free time like me but you're not a big fan of subscribing via email and Google Friend Connect? Hey, can't say I blame you. Not everyone checks their email frequently enough to confirm their subscription and GFC is kind of ancient, so what other option do you have? BLOGLOVIN'!!!
But wait....what the heck is a Bloglovin'?! Bloglovin' is THE destination site for readers who love to discover and read their favorite blogs via web, mobile and email. I highly recommend this site because it's so much easier to keep up with all of the latest posts from your favorite blogs, and in case you didn't know, this blog is registered on this site. You can read all of my posts on the app, your email or directly on the web! Personally, I'm a huge fan of the app. And yes, it's free. So if you haven't already, click the 'follow' button on the right of this post so you will never fall behind since I publish posts at least 4 times a week. If you have any questions, you can find my email in the 'PR/Disclaimer' page.

Thanks for Reading!

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