No More iPhone Photos | Nikon D5200
March 09, 2016
Please excuse my sexy imperfections. My lips are still recovering from the reaction I had, so they are a wee bit discolored. Learn from my mistake....STAY AWAY FROM CHEAP MAKEUP. Because f*cking Dermatitis. That's why. (Hot damn, it's time to pluck those caterpillars...)
After being turned down for having crap photos, I knew that if I wanted my blog to be taken seriously, I'd have to invest in an actual camera. There are so many blogs with posts titled 'How to Start a Fashion Blog' and the one tip that is very repetitive is 'You don't need an expensive camera to start a blog. Your iphone will do just fine'. Haha!! Girl, BYE! If your blog is just a hobby, then yeah, have at it. A Fabulous Hippie is more than that to me. It's my business. My brand. My love. Being a Sole Proprietor, I take my website seriously, and for someone to turn me down because of the quality of my photos was, in my opinion, kinda shallow (like, did you even READ the post?!) But then I stopped being butt hurt and thought about it.....they have a point. It's time I get serious with the quality of my photos. It's one thing to bring bomb ass content to the site, but let's face it....nobody likes grainy photos. It doesn't matter how unique and trendy that outfit was. If it's grainy, you blog's bounce rate on Google Analytics will be higher than 70%. At least that's what I think. Cellphone photos just doesn't cut it. Keep it on IG.
I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that you DON'T need a camera. I'm going to tell you to save your coins for one and while you save up, read photography blogs and watch a crap ton of youtube videos on how to get used to a DSLR like I did. Once you go to your local electronics store and purchase whatever camera you want, you'll already be a boss at knowing the best f-stop, ISO, and aperture settings for whatever setting you plan on shooting in. You may want to get a better understanding of what Composition means and why it's important, too. And besides, 'Self Taught Photographer' looks sexy on your resume. ;)
Like I said in this post, I don't regret how I started this blog. I couldn't afford a camera during that time (Priorites...I don't want to Adult anymore.) and being the independent person that I am, I wanted to work hard to get what I really wanted. I've never been the type to rely on a man to get me whatever I wanted or anyone for that matter....does that make me a feminist?
Well, can always email me or tweet me (@afabuloushippie) if you have any questions. I'm always 100% honest and I don't hide my secrets because I want all of us to succeed together. Don't be shy. Much Love!