Self Confidence + Women Empowerment with Adore Me | Women's History Month
March 29, 2016
What does self confidence mean to me?
- It means being comfortable in your own skin and embracing your flaws (or perfect imperfections.)
- Not caring what people think of you and whatever you're into. I love Indie, Rock, Old School and Trap music. So what? Sue me.
- The ability to accept the past and move on to the better, wiser version of yourself.
- The ability to laugh at yourself when you trip or fall and not feel embarrassed.
- Having no fear of being 100% myself around strangers. If you know me personally, you know how goofy I am. ;)
- Not caring about society's standards.
On A Fabulous Hippie, my goal is to not only bring you the best fashion content but to help readers feel comfortable in their skin, and encourage you all to always be different while being yourself. I was recently introduced to Adore Me and learned of their similar mission and commitment to offer lingerie that makes women feel sexy without sacrificing comfort. There's nothing worse than trying to be something you're not just to be accepted. It never works. You either end up hanging with the wrong crowd or you just make yourself look silly. Being yourself will definitely attract the right crowd of people who genuinely care about you and love you for who you are. And besides, why wouldn't you wanna be you?? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with getting inspired and wanting to add your spin on what inspired you, but trying to completely transform yourself into someone else isn't good for you.
We as women have to stick together and uplift each other. Instead of stealing (ideas) from each other and competing all the time, we should come together and create one big masterpiece. Why talk about each other negatively when we can come together and make this world a much better place? Ask yourself that. What does Self Confidence + Women Empowerment mean to you? What can you do to help a woman filled with self hate feel beautiful and empowered? Something as simple as telling a stranger she looks great in that dress is enough to put a smile on her face. You should try it. It feels really good when you know you've made someone's day and have lifted their spirits. :)
Check out this awesome video of Loey Lane, a beautiful plus size style and beauty youtuber and take a peek at her faves from Adore Me! I'm so drooling over that hot pink bra. :P
(Thanks Adore Me for teaming up with me on this post! Every word you've just read was genuine and my own.)